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Saskia Jeremiah

Student blog

BSc Bioveterinary Science student blog

Saskia And Misty (1)

Hi, my name is Saskia and I am currently in my second year of the BSc Bioveterinary Science degree at Hartpury University.

Being home schooled for ten years, it was a lovely transition into university. I have such a great support network and feel that the lecturers genuinely want me to do well.

I love putting theory into practice

My favourite part of the course is the lab practical sessions. They allow me to put the theory into practise. It’s been great to apply what we have been learning in our lectures to clinical practice and develop practical skills that are utilised in Bioveterinary careers. For example, we’ve been doing haematology analysis in applied animal health and disease, which I’ve carried out in veterinary practices before, so it was really great to understand the theory behind it.

Structure and Motion is another optional module I’m taking this year. We’re studying how animals locomote and potential reasons for their adaptations. While Covid-19 has prevented the practicals for now, this module has really highlighted the career opportunities and is what I’m basing my dissertation on in my third year.

I also really enjoy the way that our modules overlap certain topics, such as diagnostic techniques but from different angles, so I’m able to gain a greater understanding.

Volunteering has been invaluable

As someone who wishes to continue to veterinary medicine after this degree, I’m really appreciative of the volunteering opportunities that are available at Hartpury.

I’ve been volunteering at the Cotswold Dog Spa since the first term, which has been really valuable in supporting topics that we have been taught as well as gaining hands-on experience. It has also been great to see the precautions a business may take during Covid-19, to continue to work safely.

A day on my course

I’ve currently been attending lectures and practicals three days a week, which I’m really enjoying. All of the lectures are also recorded. This is great if you can’t make a particular day, or if you want to watch the lectures back, as many times as you want!

All our in-person practicals have been divided into small groups to enable us to follow government guidelines. I also really appreciate how the lecturers are always willing to help if any complications arise, which has really supported my learning.

The best experience possible

Hartpury has been excellent at communicating to me all the information that I need to make informed decisions regarding my education. Both the lecturers and the university have been very engaged with what they can do to make this best experience possible. While not every activity can continue at present, there is always an alternative available and great opportunities that you can put on your CV.

Well prepared for the future

I want to go on to veterinary medicine in the future and definitely feel that Hartpury is preparing me, in both the theory and application to theory, as well as skills to demonstrate my strengths.

With such a wide range of optional modules, including both laboratory and animal management modules, I can study a variety of aspects of Bioveterinary Science that interest me. I especially enjoyed an optional independent report, where I was able to investigate a topic of personal interest.

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