The Academic Regulations describe how an Award can be gained, including conditions for enrolment, achievement and graduation of awards. These are an important part of our contract with our students. The Academic Regulations are set by the Awarding Body, Hartpury and are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are consistent and equitable.
Members of the Boards of Governors are mostly external to the College and University, they are local, regional and national people with a range of skills, knowledge and experience to help Hartpury take forward its strategic objectives. The Boards include in their membership the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, staff and student governors.
Any person wishing to become a Governor, or correspond with the Boards should contact the Clerk to the Governors:
Gillian Steels
Clerk to the Governors
Hartpury College and University
GL19 3BE
The Academic Regulations describe how an Award can be gained, including conditions for enrolment, achievement and graduation of awards. These are an important part of our contract with our students. The Academic Regulations are set by the Awarding Body, Hartpury and are regularly reviewed to ensure that they are consistent and equitable.
Members of the Boards of Governors are mostly external to the College and University, they are local, regional and national people with a range of skills, knowledge and experience to help Hartpury take forward its strategic objectives. The Boards include in their membership the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, staff and student governors.
Any person wishing to become a Governor, or correspond with the Boards should contact the Clerk to the Governors:
Gillian Steels
Clerk to the Governors
Hartpury College and University
GL19 3BE
Members of the Boards of Governors are mostly external to the College and University, they are local, regional and national people with a range of skills, knowledge and experience to help Hartpury take forward its strategic objectives. The Boards include in their membership the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, staff and student governors.
Any person wishing to become a Governor, or correspond with the Boards should contact the Clerk to the Governors. To find out more about being a Governor and how to apply please watch the adjacent video from Edward Keene, Chair.
Our Committees are:
Strategy, Finance & Resources – monitors the non-academic aspects of the college – focusing on finance, staff and estates
Audit and Risk Management Committee – ensuring Hartpury operates in line with regulation and that internal controls and risk management are in place
Quality Enhancement & Standards Committee – monitors the quality, performance and student experience – providing academic assurance
Search and Governance Committee – helps identify new governors and best ways of working and training and development
Remuneration and Employment Committee – considers remuneration and conditions Vice-Chancellor and Principal & has an overview of the Senior Team Remuneration
Additionally a Special Committee can be convened if required to consider matters outside of the remit of the other committees and extraordinary matters.
Minutes for the Boards and Committees are available below. Matters which have been classified as confidential are not included within the minutes provided.
Health and safety
The number of applications for admission on to recognised, undergraduate higher education courses that we have received from UK domiciled applicants.
The number of offers we have made in relation to those applications.
The number of those offers accepted and the number of those who have registered with us.
The number of students who attained a particular degree or other academic award, or a particular level of such an award, on completion of their course with us.
It also shows these numbers by reference to:
It is important to note that the data presented has not been contextualised. This means, for example, that you will not be able to see from this data how many of those applying to courses met the entry criteria. It is also the case that universities and colleges will often receive many more applications than they have spaces on courses and so offer rates will necessarily be lower than application rates in those circumstances.
To download and read detailed yearly accounts for the college, please use the links below:
Policy documents relating to Governance can be downloaded below:
The Corporation is a legal body constituted under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and consists of 17 members from all walks of life and a cross section of the community which it serves including staff and students from the College. In business terms it equates to a board of directors in a company.
Under the current Articles of Government the Corporation is responsible for:
Through amendments to the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 (inserted by the Education Act 2011) a wide range of restrictions and controls on college corporations have been removed, putting colleges on a similar footing to charities operating within the private/independent sector. The Secretary of State will no longer have the power to amend or revoke a corporation’s instruments and articles. Instead this power will sit with the corporation, which will be able to change the Instrument and Articles to help meet their needs. The legislative requirements for the instrument and articles are now reduced to a minimum core of essential elements.
The College's Instrument and Articles of Government have been automatically changed from 1st April 2012 by the Modification of Instruments and Articles of Government Order 2012. Further changes were approved by the Corporation in July 2012 and October 2013.
The Hartpury College Corporation membership is comprised of:-
Attendance at Corporation Meetings
The Corporation is required to meet at least once per academic term and is quorate only when at least 40% of its Members are present. The Corporation agrees annually its Governance Targets which includes targets for attendance at Corporation and Committee Meetings.
The Clerk to the Corporation attends and minutes all Corporation and Committee meetings. The Vice Principals are normally 'in attendance' for all or part of each Corporation meeting.
The Clerk to the Corporation
The Clerk to the Corporation is responsible for organising the proper conduct of the Corporation's business. The Clerk is appointed by the Corporation, works directly for the Corporation and is answerable directly to the Corporation for the proper discharge of his duties as Clerk. The Clerk must provide independent advice to the Corporation and work closely with both the Chairman and the Principal in managing Corporation business. Specific duties of the Clerk include, but are not limited to:
Terms of Office and Filling Vacancies
Corporation Members can serve a term of office up to four years and, on retirement at the end of their term of office, they are normally eligible for reappointment. Student Governors serve a term of office of generally one year. The Student Governors are elected and nominated by Hartpury students on an annual basis.
A number of circumstances, such as having been adjudged bankrupt or holding a criminal record, make certain individuals ineligible for office and these are laid down in section 8, Persons Ineligible to be Members, of the Instrument and Articles of Government.
Corporation Members appoint both the Chairman and Vice Chairman from amongst their number and both can hold office for as long as is determined by the Corporation. Neither the Principal nor any staff or student member is eligible to be appointed Chairman or Vice Chairman.
The process for making appointments to the Corporation has to be both open and transparent. The Corporation takes advice and recommendations from its Search Committee in respect of new Members. The Corporation must formally approve the appointment of all Members.
A Member can resign at any time by giving notice in writing to the Clerk to the Corporation and the Corporation can remove a Member from office if it is satisfied that he/she has been absent from meetings for a period longer than 6 months without permission from the Corporation.
Members of the Corporation are required to declare and sign a ‘Register of Interests' annually and to agree to take note of the current 'Code of Conduct for Corporation Members' on appointment.
Minutes of Audit and Risk Management Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Strategy, Resources and Finance Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Search and Governance Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Quality Enhancement and Standards Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Corporation meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Audit and Risk Management Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Strategy, Resources and Finance Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Search and Governance Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Quality Enhancement and Standards Committee meetings can be downloaded below:
Minutes of Corporation meetings can be downloaded below: